有 4 筆資料符合您搜尋的條件

Hugh G
2021-06-01, 23:47
版面: 可持續發展模式
主題: Turning deserts into green habitats
回覆: 0
觀看: 318

Turning deserts into green habitats

In 25 years China has done something truly amazing, they've turned the biggest desert in the world of 640 square kilometers, the size of France, into a green natural habitat. Know more from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glr2BeNQNkg
Hugh G
2021-02-26, 08:46
版面: 聯合國可持續發展項目
主題: Goal 14 Life Below Water 海洋生態
回覆: 1
觀看: 464

Goal 14 Life Below Water 海洋生態

Global and Regional Regulations on MicroPlastics
Hugh G
2020-10-25, 06:51
版面: 香港土地房屋再辯論
主題: 好好運用[郊野公園土地]
回覆: 6
觀看: 887

Re: 檢視[郊野公園土地]界線

I suggest the boundaries of the present country park be reviewed every decade or so. The current set was set up at least 40 years ago. In some areas, it was quite arbitrary, e.g. in Lantau, according to the late Sir David Akers-Jones
Hugh G
2020-10-25, 06:35
版面: 香港土地房屋再辯論
主題: 東大嶼填海
回覆: 3
觀看: 619

Re: 東大嶼填海

我心底是贊成做東大嶼填海可行性報告, 這是長期規劃


同意Lucent 說法,當前之急,還是聚焦大大加強新界北及新界西北發展。
