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發表於 : 2021-08-13, 03:36
https://vdata.nikkei.com/en/newsgraphic ... KE9ZHTRETQ

This is the best description of the monetary system I found so far. It clearly states that the USD hegemony is now in doubt. Many Nations start to question the credibility of the US Dollar in the face of the Digital Currency (especially from China - a credit worthy Nation).

Re: nixon-shock-50-years

發表於 : 2021-08-13, 03:52
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cPO ... gI1jI4C-oC

The above link is to the google drive file - Win-win Financial Order Draft 1. It proposes the development of a cross-border Financial Platform for training. The use of Big Data in Cross Border Trade is still in its infancy. The hegemony of the USD is threatened. But it is inevitable in the path of history.

"The US Dollar was backed by gold, then oil, then bullets and bombs. Just by printing money is not a solution to economic problems. Sooner or later, the US Dollar would lose its supreme status for international trading and foreign reserve."

It is a matter of credibility. Will Nations trust the USD as the trading and reserve currency if US keeps on printing?