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Re: 共同富裕 目前北京沖廁後的水, 流入那裏?

文章 Tseung »

有沒有考慮過城市沖廁的水, 流入沙漠, 肥水種菜? 要有什麽科學步驟?

目前北京沖廁後的水, 流入那裏?


Re: 共同富裕 目前北京沖廁後的水, 流入那裏?

文章 Alibaba »

Tseung 寫:
2022-03-14, 00:52
有沒有考慮過城市沖廁的水, 流入沙漠, 肥水種菜? 要有什麽科學步驟?

目前北京沖廁後的水, 流入那裏?
你們的天馬行空, 連沖廁後的水,也不放過!

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Re: 共同富裕 超矽谷心態

文章 Tseung »


現把幾個月的討論和參考,放在這裏 (1 至 21), 希望能幫助學習.

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Re: 共同富裕 从能源看懂中国经济

文章 Tseung »

《对话》 20220312 从能源看懂中国经济|CCTV财经




Building Green - Sun on Earth

http://www.ches.org.cn/zgslxh/ztbd/sldh ... 953781.htm

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Re: 共同富裕 各美其美,美人之美,美美與共 天下大同

文章 Tseung »

Tseung 寫:
2022-02-19, 04:55
(1) 若世界人口不再無序的增長, 科技一定可以帶來豐足的衣食,水,電,知識,健康,和平,快樂和創新.
(2) 若保持精益求精的心態,各美其美,美人之美,美美與共 天下大同.
(3) 人們要懂得各自欣賞自己創造的美,還要包容和欣賞別人創造的美,這樣將各自之美和別人之美拼合在一起,就會實現理想中的大同美。
(4) 個人沒有父蔭,國家沒有資源,也可用科技創做財富,通商交易,共同富裕.
(5) 中國要有自信,學習科技,青出於藍,精益求精.各美其美.
(6) 中國更要欣賞,發掘,甚至共商共建他國之美.美人之美.
(7) 只要互相欣賞,互相友善競爭,取他人之長補自已之短,共享科技成果.美美與共.
(8) 從以達致互相幫助,互相尊重.天下大同.

人口不再無序的增長, 我極力支持這看法.雋悦工作室多是退休人仕,但仍有不錯的貢獻.

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Re: 共同富裕

文章 Tseung »

《创新中国》 第二集 能源 | CCTV纪录

煤能够变成石油吗?太阳能够被人造出来吗?人体能成为发电机吗? 最大胆的尝试、最新型的能源,都将在这里展示。思考世界能源危机、面对审时度势的考验,中国人在世界能源领域不让责任与担当。以东方智慧结合现代科技,创新精神推动能源变革,正在为中国,也为世界打造一个充满动力的未来。

《创新中国》全6集, 值得重看.

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Re: 共同富裕

文章 Tseung »

Winners and Losers in Global Economy.jpg
Winners and Losers in Global Economy.jpg (183.92 KiB) 已瀏覽 943 次
This is a very revealing picture. The World is increasing in wealth as a whole. But the biggest gain goes to the top 1%!

(1) In China, we say: "Let some get rich first." They will be the examples and inspirations. In the 1980s, you would be considered rich if you own RMB10,000. Now you will only be considered rich if you own more than RMB10 million. (In Hong Kong, most property owners have more than that especially if they own more than one piece of property).

(2) In China, there is practically no extreme poverty. The Government had the targeted elimination program that achieved that goal at the end of 2020. Once a family has a home with running water and electricity, they can build and see their wealth increasing with more and better electrical appliances.

(3) China is seeing the wealth concentrating on the wealthiest 1%. It was acceptable as it was believed that they would inspire the rest. None of them inherited any wealth in the 1980s. They got so rich because they could exploit the opportunities offered. (Some said Jack Ma got rich but the Venture Capital Companies like Softbank got much richer.)

(4) Now is the time for China to re-distribute the wealth via common prosperity 共同富裕. But will it blunt the efforts of the most enterprising persons? USA see the new printed money go to Wall Street and trickled down. What kind of Model should China use?

(5) I believe in a combination of Government Action and Entrepreneurship. The opportunities are revealed by the many Think Tanks. The new opportunities will mainly come from Technologies, their Applications and Improvements. (Tanner Hill Workshop is doing that in a small way.) Companies that use their monopolistic positions will be curbed. This is happening with swings in the Stock Market and muffled objections from the 1%. It will be another 摸石過河.

How Become China Rich Documentry 2020 with English Subtitles

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Re: 共同富裕 中国南海做大島

文章 Tseung »


白煙嬝嬝,熱氣從地底冒起,溫泉不斷地湧出,面對這樣的景象,人們除了欣賞大自然的奧妙,同時也利用它舒緩身心的疲累、應用於蔬果的栽植。地熱,不僅兼具了觀光與產業發產的效益,現在更在科學技術的創新突破之下,成為創造出源源不絕再生能源的新契機。 「來自地底的禮物 地熱」。



Re: 共同富裕 引渤入疆

文章 Alibaba »

https://baike.baidu.hk/item/%E5%BC%95%E ... 86/7687605

2010年11月5日,在“陸海統籌海水西調高峯論壇”上有專家提出將渤海的水引入新疆以解決新疆缺水問題、緩解新疆土地沙漠化的建議,引起了全國廣泛討論。這一建議存在許多質疑和工程爭議,主要問題在於海水淡化技術是一個國際化難題,難以實行。新疆維吾爾自治區水利廳認為這只是“一個美好的想法”。 遼寧省發改委也否認了這一項目。

https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/article ... c6ew00268d
Mining valuable minerals from seawater: a critical review

周老闆覚得用管道送海水到沙漠. 在沙漠以太陽能或風能把海水化淡.Brine流入已有的咸水湖,繼續被太陽蒸發成鹽.在鹽中再抽取有價值的礦物質.可賣淡水和礦物質成賺錢生意.

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註冊時間: 2020-07-12, 04:47
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Re: 共同富裕 New technology in desalination

文章 Tseung »

New technology in desalination

In a world of dwindling freshwater supply, how can we meet the demands of a growing population? This video explains a new hybrid process which can double the freshwater output of traditional thermally-driven desalination without requiring additional energy. Developed by the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) and the National University of Singapore (NUS), this desalination method is now being piloted for wider implementation by MEDAD, a KAUST-supported startup company. For more information on the new hybrid technology, see http://discovery.kaust.edu.sa/en/arti...

星加坡已領先香港. 香港能趕上嗎?

(上):海水的淡化技术 20181222 | CCTV走近科学官方频道

