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馭心難易十則 Ten Precepts for Mind Training

發表於 : 2021-06-22, 20:39
惰心容易發心難 願心

It is easier to succumb to inertia, and more difficult to realize the need to overcome it;
….The Motivated Mind

发心容易恆心難 忍心

It is easier to realize the need to overcome inertia, and more difficult to persevere overcoming it;
… The Persevering Mind

散心容易聚心難 定心

It is easier to lose focus, and more difficult to maintain focus;
….The Focused Mind

燥心容易靜心難 喜心

It is easier to lose calm, and more difficult to stay calm;
….The Serene Mind

妄心容易真心難 慧心

It is easier to fall into delusion, and more difficult to see the truth;
…..The Truthful Mind

驕心容易虛心難 進心

It is easier to be arrogant, and more difficult to be humble;
……The Humble Mind

歪心容易正心難 护心

It is easier to be distorted, and more difficult to stay upright;
…..The Protective Mind

執心容易放心難 舍心

It is easier to be obsessed, and more difficult to be free;
…..The Enlightened Mind

貪心容易淨心難 戒心

It is easier to be greedy, and more difficult to be pure of greed;
-----The Disciplined Mind

曲心容易直心難 頂心

It is easier to rationalize your wrongs, and more difficult to admit them.
……The Straight Mind

註: 梵網經心地品說:“十發趣心向果,一舍心,二戒心,三忍心,四進心,五定心,六慧心,七願心,八護心,九喜心,十頂心,諸佛當知,從是十發趣人堅法忍中。” 本人寫完「馭心難易十則」才發現梵網經心地品有非常接近的論述。