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Re: 共同富裕

文章 admin »



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Re: 共同富裕

文章 Tseung »

Clarifying the three stages of Distribution of Wealth in China.

Stage 1: Let Market Force determine the distribution of wealth. This means some will get much richer than others. In a free capitalist economy, there will be entrepreneurs who can spot opportunities and act. These include the many Internet Giants and Property Developers. China calls it – “let some get rich first.”

Stage 2: Government takes action to try to narrow the gap between the rich and poor. This means tax the rich more and spend more on social services. Care must be taken so that the enterprising spirit of the entrepreneurs is not destroyed. China prints money to do infrastructures including roads, bridges, hospitals, schools and retirement homes. Much of the money will go to the construction and social workers.

Stage 3: Let the Rich help the Poor via Charity and Donations. Encourage the spirit of getting rich together. This is easier when the society has moved into the “Surplus Economy”. In the internet World, the Internet Giants can dominate with their knowledge and control of Big Data and Payment Systems. Tencent took the lead with donations of 50 billion RMBs and sharing of opportunities.

China hopes to develop the mindset of Stage 3 more. 共富 is better than 獨富. That applies to Nations also. Capital and technology are no longer scarce resources. China can help Afghanistan rich with the Super One-Belt-One-Road Initiative. (No debt, currency exchange deals).

Alexis Wong
文章: 4
註冊時間: 2021-07-21, 11:53

Re: 共同富裕

文章 Alexis Wong »

Key thoguht:
China has since the days of Deng’s pragmatic economic policies evolved over the last 3 decades into a world power, achieving a nominal per capital GDP of USD 10,000 and having allowed “a few people become rich” first. While many are observing how this “socialism with Chinese characteristics” will unfold under the hands of the subsequent leaders, wondering how China will flare in the cross currents of free wheelig-dealing capitalism and the planned economies of communism, Xi has today provided better visibility to the world. The Government under the CPC has demonstrated its ruling stability and self-reforming capabilities, staging a rapid rise of living standard domestically and peaceful uprise internationally. Clearly the think tanks and strategists in China have shrewdly observed, studied and analyzed the pros and cons of the political-economic lessons from the Russians and the Americans. The former nearly fell prey to the oil oligarchs and the latter a decaying system with excessive debt and polarized wealth distribution. National security on data aside, a cramp down on the super richness of the land developers and tech giants is in fact reflective of the steps China is taking to avoid the mistakes being/having been made by the other two super-powers. And instead of beheading the riches and allowing the side effects of capitalism and un-reigned freedom permeate and poison the younger generation (like 追星、炫富、沉迷手遊 甚或干脆「趟平」), China is dexterous in deploying her autocratic power with a refined version of economic philosophy of “guided capitalism”. The invisible hand of Adam Smith has proven problematic if not failed, resulting in incessant chase of profits and exploitation of the great general public, who are kept happy by debts beyond their means. The current Chinese leaders have not forgotten at all the unspoken follow-on of “let a few people become rich first …” (which many including me once thought, well, that was all of it and no more). Instead, silently the rise in living standards has suddenly entered into picture, and everybody is surprised that we are in fact witnessing without realizing that the unspoken follow-on sentence has been written on the wall, stroke by stroke - let a few people get rich first and the rest will benefit along the process! And this process is dynamic, being optimized constantly when conditions call for it and ripe for changes. The present ideological advocation of “common prosperity” is but a higher form of communism resembling the welfare economy of the capitalism. The first, second and third redistributions are but taxation system reforms so that a righteous and caring society will be established where the riches will take up the social responsibility of pulling up the poors, both through the visible hand of government in first (personal and corporate taxes) and second (social welfare benefits, medical benefits, education and family support tax credits) redistributions AND consciously and willingly in third (donation, charity) redistribution. In this way, the PRC government unlike its western counter-parts will not fall into the quagmire of permanently under-funded social benefits that will bankrupt the government one day. The financial markets have obviously misconstrued the signifnace and impacts . Tencent’s Pony Ma has exemplified how a virtuous capitalist should behave and many more will follow suit without doubt. However, my deeper worry is that this solution is only partially effective as the income inequality is not only limited to personal level but also geographical in terms of inter-Provincial with more prosperous ones skewed to the coastal provinces, where big companies, and hence tax incomes, are concentrated. Obviously a fourth redistribution needs to be in place with transparency and equity, and this could only be achieved by the Central Government. As we crawl along the river by feeing the stones, more twists and turns will inevitably sway the confidence of the financial market and investors, and I hope that not too much bumps will be experienced. Clearly the policy explanation is insufficient as evidenced by the confusions and fears that have been shown so far.

The bad thing about money accruing you the rich people is that the “propensity to consume” is much much lower, affecting societal consumption and demand for goods and services; and when the rich do spend, they tend to spend on luxury goods and imports, hurting balance of payments.

Site Admin
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註冊時間: 2020-07-10, 20:00
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Re: 共同富裕

文章 admin »










Site Admin
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註冊時間: 2020-07-10, 20:00
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Re: 共同富裕

文章 admin »



這和現時ESG概念相似。ESG意指environmental social governance環境社會和企業管治,在這概念下,企業不再只為股東股益利潤最大化,同時重視環境、社會、管治等外部事務影響。


文章: 3
註冊時間: 2020-08-07, 23:01
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Re: 共同富裕

文章 Amy »

news.jpeg (113.5 KiB) 已瀏覽 690 次

文章: 78
註冊時間: 2020-12-02, 11:17

Re: 共同富裕

文章 lok »

題目:「但主要是防止 “左”」-作者:李永權





李嘉誠在2004年6月28日於汕頭大學向長江商學院EMBA學生講話。從講話內容可見有兩位歷史人物的行為對李嘉誠處事有很大的啟發。第一位是春秋時代以一句「飛鳥盡,良弓藏;狡兔死,走狗烹」留名於世的范蠡。范蠡不單是一位政治家,也是一位成功的商人。他的「積著之理」(貨物品質好時出售,貨物和現金要不停流轉,如流水一般生生不息);以及「計然之術」(從宏觀經濟角度探索經濟周期,預計需求變化而作出反應)。范蠡認為平價出售糧食,並平抑調整其他物價,使關卡稅收和市場供應都不缺乏;更提出現今中央銀行採用的逆周期措施,在「旱時備船以待澇; 澇時備車以待旱。」似乎李嘉誠羨慕范蠡有大美人西施願與他退隱守候終身。李嘉誠經商幾十年,不乏范蠡影子。另一位被美國人譽為「偉大公民」的富蘭克林(Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790)啟發李嘉誠如何行善。富蘭克林立下宏願,凡對公眾有利益的事情不管多困難都願意努力承擔。他積極建立圖書館、學校和醫院等公共設施。李嘉誠設立慈善基金回饋香港和家鄉的教育、醫療和其他公益設施。









