The New World Order

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The New World Order

文章 Tseung »

Dr. Leung gave an excellent talk on the supremacy of the West in the last 600 years and how the West hoped to continue its domination. Some key points include:

(1) Virtual extermination of the Natives in USA, South America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc. with superior weapons.
(2) Justified it as the Natural Law of "Survival of the Fittest".
(3) Preached that the "God Given Order" was White as the Ruler, Banker, Military and Police. Other Nations would work as slaves of money.
(4)The Marshall Plan helped the West to recover and prosper after World II because these Nations already had the technology to take advantage of the opportunity.
(4) The Mindset of White Supremacy was challenged first by Japan, the Asian Tigers and then China. These Nations learned and improved the technology.
(5) The Brain-washing with Christianity, Democracy, Liberty, Freedom worked for a time but the rapid rise of China in Economics and Technology is changing the Brain-washing. Developing Nations have a different Model of World as One Entity, Plan, Work and Enjoy to follow.
(6) The total dominance of the West is eroding and the Rules of the Game will change.

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Re: The New World Order

文章 Tseung »

What will be the World Order in the next 10 years?

Predicting the future has its risks. But a Think Tank should propose and lead. The following are my predictions.

(1) The two Camp Competition will intensify. USA and Allies in Camp A. Russia+China and Allies in Camp B.
(2) Nations will realize that Capital or Money is no longer a Scarce Resource. They do not need to rely of the US Dollar as the Trading and Reserve Currency. Trading within a Nation will use Local Currency. Governments can print money appropriately to stimulate more Meaningful Economic Activities. This single Mindset Change will give continued rapid development in China, India and other Developing Nations.
(3) The two Camps will compete in Science, Technology, Economics and Mind Indoctrination. Physical Wars such as the Russia-Ukraine War will be over.
(4) Progress in Science and Technology cannot be secrets for long - just like the Nuclear Weapons.
(5) The philosophy of "If a Nation wants to be rich and remain rich, the best way is to help other Nations rich" will take root. The excess capacity will not be shelved but will be used to help other Nations rich!"

*** Important
(6) Not everyone who learned the same material could succeed to the same extend. A simple example was The Tanner Hill Workshop. The Idea was to get heavy weight speakers to speak every week at the Zoom Meetings. Once the reputation were established, inviting speakers became easy. But who else (apart from Lucy Kwan) could really do the job and establish the Rules of the Game?

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Re: The New World Order

文章 Tseung » ... WIDzcvUzUw

Link to Google Drive: Update to Good Ideas for John Lee.

There are a few important points to remember:

(1) Science and Technology have already guaranteed that every human being on Earth can have enough food, clothing, shelter, education, medical care and access to knowledge.
(2) There is no need to rob others or take away the goods, land or resources of other Nations.
(3) Keep improving what we have. Our generation enjoyed more products and services compared with our forefathers. The future generation will enjoy products and services that we cannot even dream of.
(4) Some are better in innovation; some are better at improvements; some are better at providing entertainment. Ensure a minimum standard of living for all. Let many perform and shine.

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Re: The New World Order - Support Hong Kong Immigrants

文章 Tseung »

I support more Hong Kong people trying immigration. But we should give them the proper background knowledge and the continued support after their immigration.

I can give the example of a Russian Jew couple who worked with me at Digital Equipment Corporation. The Jewish Community helped them on language and professional (computer) skills. The Couple even bought a home from a Jewish elder who had no children at a great discount.

The Jewish community is successful because of such mutual support. Hong Kong Immigrants tend to struggle on their own...

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Re: The New World Order

文章 Tseung »



被西方和日本欺壓了 150年後的中華民族,是強國重要呢還是自由民主重要?

打開天窗說亮話,中國的前途不在台灣(什麼叫做 “台灣經驗”?可笑!),中國的前途不在港澳,不在海外華人,不在舔洋人後跟的學運民運小丑,中國的前途在中國大陸,在那 14億心含 “鴉片戰爭” 之恥,心含 “八年抗戰” 之恨的中國人身上!


同胞們,他們為的是什麼?沒有別的,他們愛我 “中華”,他們不能讓 “中華” 再隕落!

為什麼美國人那麼愛美國?為什麼日本人那麼愛日本?為什麼有些走向 “世界公民”( 可笑的癡夢 )的中國人就不愛中國?

“愛我中華”,不再只是口號,不再只是情緒,而是要像大陸 50年來,苦心孤詣、胼手胝足地幹,不僅流汗甚至流血地幹、幹、幹!把大慶油田打出來,把北大荒墾出來,把葛洲壩、攔江堰築起來……,難以屈指的各種建設,無數的建設把中國建設起來,這才是愛中國!

中國已經被熱愛了 50年;她將繼續地被熱愛,被那群建國者,真正的建國者所熱愛著!我手邊這部大陸編《新英漢辭典》,這部大陸版《辭源》,編得如此周全,印制如此精致,細小的鉛字用放大鏡看都劃劃清晰,而且從來沒有看到一個錯字,我為他們的心血表現而發抖!而我們台灣 50年來,有哪一部英漢辭典不是翻譯、剪貼別人的現成品作的?(慚愧哪,台灣經驗!)。



試問:若不是一輩子吃兩輩子的苦,一輩子怎得兩輩子甚至三輩子 四輩子的成就?50年前中國落後西方百年,50年後還落後 10年 20年?基礎科學若干部門已與西方比肩,甚至超前!這難道不是一輩子吃兩輩子苦所成就的嗎? 50年前中國參加奧運總是扛著零蛋回,50年後,中國的奧運成績已經揚名世界!誰敢再說中國人是 “東亞病夫”? 這就是 “吃兩輩子苦” 的成就!

我f的老同學傅孝先留在大陸的姐姐,是搞化學研究的高級科學家,52歲就死了,是活活地給研究工作累死的!累死,多值得的死啊!她不累死,千千萬萬的她與他們不累死,中國科學怎麼能迎頭趕上西方?中國的科研怎麼能出人頭地? “革命不是請客吃飯”,建設文明打造科教也是要死人的!尤其是要 “超英趕美” 搞建設;而不 "超英趕美”,永遠跟在英美之後吃英美的屁,中華怎麼振興,怎麼出頭? 所以 50年來,中國大陸是 “煉獄”,什麼是煉獄?就是經過火的洗禮,能夠升入天堂!

過了 50年的苦難

中國過了 50年的 “煉獄” 苦難,是過有提升功能的苦難,是過有建設性的苦難,是追求成就的苦難! 就像你考上台大要一年不看電影的苦難,程度不同,性質則一。吃得苦中苦,方為人上人!苦出頭來的中國人,如今在人類中已經嶄露頭角了!

所以 50年的苦難不是負面的、消極的、毀滅性的;而是中國的大蛻變,政治蛻變、社會蛻變、精神蛻變!現在的中國人不再是 “差不多先生”,而是競泳則爭半掌之長,射衛星不出毛病的 “精準先生” 了!

我們在台灣,僥幸也不僥幸地躲過了這場 “煉獄” 的煎熬,50 年隔岸觀火躲過了這場火的洗禮。就個人的福利言,我們是幸運者;就重建民族國家的責任言,我們是十足的逃兵!我們就像肢體殘障者站在路邊,看著一隊隊的男女好漢走上戰場,看著他們的屍體被抬回來,或者看著他們流血呻吟地爬回來,裹好創傷又衝上去!而我們呢,隔岸觀火;他們呢?他們拼搏,他們打仗,他們打的是我們的仗,打的 150年來的民族復興之仗,打的是為全體中國人爭一口氣的仗!而我們呢?我們還在訕笑他們的廁所沒有門,訕笑他們的所得低,甚至視他們為仇敵!我們究竟是什麼?是一群沒有良心的市儈。還是一群沒有人性的畜牲?!

“中國之光” 和中國人共用

然而一個民族國家的羞辱,像霧一般落下來,中國人誰也無可取捨,你非承受不可,就算你入了美國籍,認同美國,為美國去中東作戰;你若戰死,你的訃告上仍然是 “美籍華人”,而不會像別人一樣成為 “美國人”! 何必騙自己啊!昨日今日以及今後的三五萬日子裡,民族主義還都是當令的食品,不認同自己的民族只有做異族之奴!同理,一個民族國家的榮譽,也是無可取捨,它會像陽光一樣,你非被照射到不可!

中國今後的光榮,苦盡甘來的光榮,你是無法拒絕而非接受一份不可的,連反中國的中國人也將同浴于中國的光輝中!這就是說,我們在台灣的中國人管你是台獨、獨台、或統派、或無黨無派,一旦生為中國人,今後你將分享一份 "中國之光"!

雖然我們沒有為這 “中國之光” 的誕生做出什麼貢獻,是無功受祿,我們實在太僥一幸了!僥幸之餘,我們至少要 “吃果子拜樹頭” 吧?總不能吃了果子又對那棵樹冷嘲熱諷或視之為敵吧!這是什麼樣的一種肥心症、象皮病?!

中國問題很複雜,其實也很簡單,簡單得只有一個幹字:幹、幹、幹!多加三個字:苦幹、實幹、硬幹。因為中國缺乏的就是成就,要成就只有幹。幹,說來容易做來難。個人想幹,個人有惰性;團體想幹,團體會渙散。這時候,你自己擺脫不了惰性,就得有人鞭笞你;團體反側於渙散,就得有人嚴加管束。其實,就像你考大學,你自己督促不了自己,就得有師長 有父母在後面鞭策,甚至補習班鞭策也是應該的,假使你想考上大學,那考上大學就是一切!就中國言,建設國家就是一切!於是,在中國的問題上,你就知道為什麼有集體主義之必要、社會主義之必要、權威專制之必要!



就算是西方人笑諷中國人是 “藍螞蟻”, 中國人為建國卻也必須要做 “藍螞蟻”,必須是千千萬萬的藍螞蟻,像螞蟻般單純一致,才能造就出比我們個人大千千萬萬倍的大堤壩。




抽象地說,自由民主絕非絕對之善;而落實在歷史的流程中,對此時此地的中國,它們絕對是相對之 “惡”!因為,自由只會使中國渙散,民主只會使中國崩潰!有人也許會譏笑:中國人為何如此可憐,竟然承受不了自由民主之 “福”!"

我要反問:以這種西方價值為價值的人:自由有什麼了不起?民主又好在哪裏?日本、德國的稱雄,是它們的民主自由超過英、美嗎?英國如今衰微了,是它的自由衰微,民主衰微嗎?美國今日超強,是它的自由超強,民主超強嗎?其實美國的自由民主擴散開來,正好變成美帝國主義的原動力! ,$$

不是煙草資本家有剝削的自由,台灣怎麼會變成美煙的垃圾場? “鴉片戰爭” 還不是一個君主立憲篤信基督的英國做出來的 “撒旦之戰”!而最重要的關鍵是:這些東西對中國有什麼好處?

曾經有學生問我:老師,中國民主重要還是強大重要? 我說:廢話,當然強大重要。

中國若不強大,即便是中國自由民主了,中國可沒有什麼東西可以保證,中國不還是清末民初一樣的中國、不還是次殖民地的中國、不還是 “華人與狗不得入內” 的中國嗎?所以,中國人必須以一條褲帶束緊千萬億人腰杆,中國人才得以自中國近代史羞辱中解放!自列強的囹圄桎梏中解放!中國才得以復興,站起來,富起來,強起來!

拿破侖早已叮囑西方世界,“ 讓這條龍睡吧,他一醒來,西方世界就麻煩了,g

西方人早已充分了解這 14億 “藍螞蟻” 眾志成城的可怕,於是他們用 “自由民主” 的口號,不擇一切手段的分化、打散、切割、制造我們的內在矛盾,讓我們自己互相抵消;一些可憐可鄙亦可悲的蠢才,連這點簡單道理都看不透,一味盲從地接受所謂 “西方價值”,試圖分裂中國,為西方的終極利益所驅使利用,讓西方繼續作世界之主,中國為奴,尚自以為是為了中國好。


當西方人對你翹起拇指叫 “好” 時,你已是一個不折不扣的賣國賊!

除了這一小撮油蒙心竅的小丑之外,天下任何聰明人都深知 “人不自私,天誅地滅” 的古訓真意,民族利益才是最大的私,而為國自私,更是西方帝國主義的當行本色,美國人更是如此。

世界已被西方帝國主義dominate (主宰) 二三百年,心頭被殖民的洋奴們、台灣的 “日本人” 、香港的 “英奴” 們,難道你們的 “婢妾惰性” 如此深重,如此安於為奴現況,不想抬頭挺胸自己當家主宰嗎?

* 中國人要站立在世界的屋脊上

強大自主的中國這條路,中國會勇往直前的繼續走下去!中國已經強大,明日的中國也會更將強大;反省我的愛國情操,似乎濃烈得近乎瘋狂;其實,我只是一個 “機會主義者”,只是一個識時務的人而已;歷史大趨勢這麼明明白白地擺在面前,我跟著它走,實在只是大潮流的跟屁蟲。但是,我樂於做這麼個小蟲子,因為今後中國歷史命運的完成,將正也是我一生夢想的實現;如今,我是每天喜孜孜的看著中國,把世界第一的金牌一塊塊摘下來!

PS: 看完這篇好觀念文章,如您認為很有啟發強國思想,請您廣傳吧,祝福您!

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Re: The New World Order

文章 Tseung »

百箱計劃: 深水養殖魚場.

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Re: The New World Order -攻心戰

文章 Tseung »

The New World Order -攻心戰

China is establishing itself on Moral High Grounds. The strategy it used in the recent Taiwan situation was brilliant. China avoided war with USA but established its absolute military superiority over Taiwan. China does not need to go to actual war with Taiwan. China can keep the present situation and continue to bypass and lead the World in science and technology.

One relative weakness is in the use of Media to subtly change and dominate the Mind of the Citizens of other Nations. But China has the advantage of demonstrating its success in Infrastructures. Buildings, Roads, Bridges, Dams, High Speed Rails are much convincing than words. Achievements in science and space cannot be easily brushed aside.

The West dominated because of technology and superior weapons. USA could use the thin-air US Dollar to affect the economy of other Nations. Developing Nations looked up to the West because they see that the Westerners live in more comfort and prosperity. They believed in the propaganda of democracy, Freedom, Liberty and Opening the Nation to Foreign Investment. They once believed that the way of the West was the only path to alleviate poverty.

China showed a different model. China can claim that its success was not from taking the Land and Resources of the Natives; not by making the Natives Slaves; not by Colonialism. The China success comes from learning and surpassing in science and technology; appropriate use of the planning right hand with the market force left hand and the hard work of its citizens.

China should continue to preach the doctrine of World as One Entity; Plan, Work and Enjoy together. Continue to promote its success in Infrastructures and advances in science and technology. Encourage the Think Tanks to work on influencing the Minds of the Citizens of the World.

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Re: The New World Order -攻心戰

文章 Tseung »

The New World Order -攻心戰

China is establishing itself on Moral High Grounds. The strategy it used in the recent Taiwan situation was brilliant. China avoided war with USA but established its absolute military superiority over Taiwan. China does not need to go to actual war with Taiwan. China can keep the present situation and continue to bypass and lead the World in science and technology.

One relative weakness is in the use of Media to subtly change and dominate the Minds of the Citizens of other Nations. But China has the advantage of demonstrating its success in Infrastructures. Buildings, Roads, Bridges, Dams, High Speed Rails are much more convincing than words. Achievements in science and space cannot be easily brushed aside.

The West dominated because of technology and superior weapons. USA could use the thin-air US Dollar to affect the economy of other Nations. Developing Nations looked up to the West because they see that the Westerners live in more comfort and prosperity. They believed in the propaganda of democracy, Freedom, Liberty and Opening the Nation to Foreign Investment. They once believed that the way of the West was the only path to alleviate poverty.

China showed a different path. China can claim that its success was not from taking the Land and Resources of the Natives; not by making the Natives Slaves; not by Colonialism. The China success comes from learning and surpassing in science and technology; appropriate use of the planning right hand with the market force left hand and the hard work of its citizens.

China should continue to preach the doctrine of World as One Entity; Plan, Work and Enjoy together. Continue to promote its success in Infrastructures and advances in science and technology. Encourage the Think Tanks to work on influencing the Minds of the Citizens of the World.

I am proud of the organizing of the many Good Ideas for John Lee from Wah Yan Boys, The Tanner Hill Workshop, the Hong Kong Invention Association and many others. I realized the Good Ideas need to be refined constantly. Once documented, others can improve...

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Re: The New World Order 西方操縱世界的方法

文章 Tseung »


1950 年後,很多西方控制的殖民地或半殖民國家,紛紛獨立,重心掌握其資源,
1964 年 77 個發展國家在日內瓦召開第一屆聯合國貿易和發展會議上發表 77 國
聯合宣言,要求全球經濟規則更公平,提出國際經濟新秩序 (New International
Economic Order, NIEO) , 1973 年在聯合國通過,提出發展中國家有管制跨國公司的
西方列強發覺不能在操控全球資源,在 1975 年成立 7 大工業國(G7)戰略是要
抵制 77 國集團,在聯合國以外成立控制經濟的集團,戰略上分化 77 國,提出最
低度開發國家 (Least Developed Counties, LDCS) ,由南方最窮國家組成, 以援助
1973-1974 石 油 輸 出 國 組 織 ( Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
Countries ,OPEC)今有 13 國, 用油價罰西方支持以色列,油價漲了 70%。 到
1974 年每桶油價 3 美元升到 12 美元引發通脹。OPEC 多了 4500 億資金, 在美
表游說窮國以高額貸款,是高風險借貸,1970 貸才 4000 億,但到 1982 年升到
16000 億,但借款只支付高油價,又美國每次加息,窮國付不出利息而違約。
美國利用國際貨幣基金會 (International Monetary Fund, IMF 成立於 1945 年) 提
發展中的窮國在簽了 IMF 的結構調整方案後,西方不用搞政變干預和暴力,用
麻省大學經濟學家 Robert Pollin 計出 1980-1990,發展中國家損失的潛在 GDP
是 4800 億美元。全球窮人每天生活費不足 5 元的人數增加了 10 億多人。
聯合國統計 1980-1993 數據,中南美州貧窮率由 40% 增加到 62%。
IMF 資源經濟學家 Davison Budhoo 工作 12 年後辭職,寫信給 IMF 總裁 Michel
Camdessus 說,12 年來「向拉丁美洲、加勒比海地區、非洲政府及人民兜售你的
藥方及你的騙局」,……. 辭職讓我洗盡手上數百萬貧窮和飢餓的人們鮮血最重要

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Re: The New World Order 西方操縱世界的方法

文章 Tseung »

Tseung 寫:
2022-08-14, 01:25


發展中的窮國在簽了 IMF 的結構調整方案後,西方不用搞政變干預和暴力,用

若善用貸款,一個國家可以借力富强,如在 Marshall Plan 下資助的國家, 都很快擺脫戰爭的破壞,從新富裕. 很多發展中的窮國,不能善用貸款,陷入債務危機.

所以中國要共商,共建,共享.共商是讓發展中的窮國,了解和善用貸款.(不會因貪污或分豬肉而流失) 中國主力助窮國基建 (要致富,先修路),是不錯的選擇,但很多時仍不夠.

一個較容易明白的例子是: 窮親戚想開雲吞麵店自立,但沒有技術,經驗和資金.借錢是高風險,可能陷他入債務危機. 但若窮親戚先在雲吞麵店打工,學技術,學管理,有一定經驗.借錢風險會下降.更可半借半投資.讓窮親戚在成功後,買回你投資的股份.助他共同富裕.


