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發表於 : 2021-04-29, 12:50


時間證明一切!2015年四月,過去長期擔任達賴特使達賴的哥哥嘉樂頓珠,出版了回憶錄 「The Untold Story of My Struggle for Tibet"。嘉樂頓珠說,「他一生中最大的悔恨" 就是跟美國中情局合作,接受來自中情局的各種援助及代為訓練西藏武裝人員與游擊隊。中情局為藏人設立的武裝訓練基地,最初選在印巴邊境附近,後來轉移到尼泊爾木斯塘及美國科羅拉多等地;接受訓練後大批西藏武裝份子,透過美國協助,潛入西藏發動攻擊,並且從中奪取中共重要情報給美國。




時至今日,應該不會再有人稱讚美國發動侵略伊拉克戰爭了吧?也不會有人相信海珊擁有大規模毀滅武器準備毀滅人類的鬼話。而且恰恰相反,這幾年來許多機密文件紛紛清楚地顯示:美國不但不是因為 懷疑海珊可能擁有大規模毀滅武器而入侵伊拉克,而是因為美國確切知道海珊根本沒有任何大規模毀滅武器,所以才肆無忌憚派出地面部隊入侵佔領伊拉克。

邪惡之事總是以冠冕堂皇光鮮亮麗之名。隨手舉個例。美國從事這一切齷齪勾當的偉大說詞之一就是透過所謂民主輸出與人權輸出。美國有個假民營真官方的所謂人權機構就叫做美國國家民主輸出基金會(National Endowment for Democracy縮寫:NED,一般翻譯做美國民主基金會),它是美國中情局底下一個負責顛覆與攻擊敵對政權或製造各種所謂民主抗爭的經援單位。在兩岸三地凡是反中反華者,都是他們所要表揚與鉅額金錢贊助的對象,包括法輪功及王丹等一票所謂民運人士,獎勵他們繼續打擊中國,捍衛所謂民主自由。台灣方面扁嫂吳淑珍也曾經是美國民主基金會2002年的獲獎者,獎勵她對所謂民主與人權所做出的巨大貢獻。

反觀中國崛起以來,從不曾侵略它國,不曾派出一兵一卒,不曾發射一彈一炮,所謂影響力擴張,無非就是提供各國經援,協助開發民生設施鑿井開路,建水庫 設電廠,方便以後大家互相往來做生意。然而英國和美國卻不是這樣,半個多世紀來,不斷在世界各地燒殺擄掠殺害數千萬生命。惡行不奇怪,奇怪的是人們居然完全看不見血流成河,卻能看見一點皮毛之傷,並且為之義憤填膺?明明中國是一善,美國是一惡;偏偏世人善惡顛倒、是非不分;對滿手血腥的美國歌功頌德,對從不侵犯他國的中國卻極盡污衊抹黑之能事

Re: 新疆問題

發表於 : 2021-04-29, 12:52
The US should stop accusing the Xinjiang problem as it should look at its own policies first!

Worth reading this article: https://www.project-syndicate.org/comme ... as-2021-04

Re: 新疆問題

發表於 : 2021-04-29, 12:53
It is no secret now; the Americans are the evil devils.

Dalai's second brother Jia Le Dunzhu wrote a confession memoir: "The biggest mistake in my life is to go with the CIA"

The U.S. only wants to subvert and split China through the power of Tibetan independence 2017-01-04

Time proves everything! In April 2015, the Dalai Lama’s elder brother Jiale Dunzhu, who used to be the Dalai’s special envoy for a long time, published his memoir "The Untold Story of My Struggle for Tibet". Jiale Dunzhu said, "The greatest regret in his life" is to cooperate with the US CIA, receive various assistance from the CIA and train Tibetan armed personnel and guerrillas on his behalf. The armed training base set up by the CIA for Tibetans was initially selected near the India-Pakistan border and later moved to Mustang in Nepal and Colorado in the United States. After training, a large number of Tibetan militants sneaked into Tibet to launch attacks with the assistance of the United States and capture important information from the CCP for the United States.

It took many years for Gyal Tundup to realise that he had been fooled and that he had missed the best time to resolve the Tibet issue peacefully. He said that the United States not only has no intention of alleviating the tension between Tibet and China, but has tried its best to expand it, with the purpose of harming China. Jiale Dunzhu said that the problem is that it hurts China while also hurting Tibet; the only one that has benefited is the United States, which has turned everything upside down. Gyaltendup also emphasized that the various weapons provided by the United States to Tibetans are not made by the United States. He believes that this is because the United States does not want to leave any evidence of secretly assisting Tibetans in armed organizations and attacks.

Regarding the whole process, Gya Le Dunzhu said: There is only one regrettable thing in my entire life: that is the connection with the CIA.l At first I really believed that Americans wanted to help us fight for independence, but finally I realized that things were not so simple, it was just my wishful thinking. The CIA’s goal has never been Tibet’s independence. In fact, I don’t think the United States really wants to help. They just want to cause conflict and use Tibetans to create misunderstandings and discord between China and India. In the end they succeeded. The Sino-Indian border war in 1962 was a tragedy.

Our cooperation with the CIA has annoyed the Chinese and given them an excuse for mass suppression. As a result, tens of thousands of Tibetans died as a result. My relationship with the CIA has weighed heavily on my heart. I have been silent for decades, but now I must tell the truth. Our cooperation with the CIA was wrong. We should not receive assistance from the CIA. If we did not cooperate with the CIA and not covet the extremely limited benefits given by the CIA, the CCP would have no excuse to kill so many Tibetans. Our cooperation with the CIA has resulted in the deaths of so many innocent people. They are not only killing our people, but also trying to kill our culture. The things I accomplished with the CIA contributed to the complete destruction of Tibetan culture. This caused me great pain and troubled me for many years. I cannot forget all this, I am guilty. This is the greatest regret in my life.

Such actions of the United States have been repeatedly carried out to this day, using the so-called democracy, freedom and human rights as an excuse to do everything in their power to provoke bloody disturbances and conflicts in order to subvert, attack, and even invade and occupy all disobedient or hostile governments; One is by providing economic aid and weapons to the so-called opposition forces, so as to provoke various struggles and unrest, and reap the profits from it. There is no doubt that today, if it were not for the great power of the Chinese Communist Party, the entire continent would have already become the bloody purgatory of Iraq and Afghanistan.