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China-US competition-From Singaporean

發表於 : 2021-09-16, 17:28
Academic Tan Kong Yam says that the ongoing China-US competition is not a tussle between two armies or two political systems, but "a competition between the governance systems of two fast-evolving countries, under the influence of rapidly globalising technologies". In that sense, China's system possesses some great advantages. Even so, it has to bide its time and not get arrogant, if it is to navigate itself through dangerous waters and emerge the winner.
He pointed out that one important reason for the division and political polarisation in the US is that over the past 40 years, the lives of the bottom 40% of the US population has not improved — this was also a key reason why Donald Trump was elected in 2016.
Hence, the US ought to focus on its own internal issues before intervening in other national policies. More importantly, copying or with reference to China's government policies might not work in the US due to situational and cultural factors. As a market-based economy, the US needs to find its solution by itself.

https://www.thinkchina.sg/how-china-mig ... ce-systems