New Rules in Financial War

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New Rules in Financial War

文章 Tseung » ... 1B3vgDjjuI

Rule 1:
Promote World as One Entity. The Leader must cater for all Nations.
The Poorer or Developing Nations should be given a push.
The Push should be along the Super One-Belt-One-Road direction.
- Rich Nation A exchanges X amount of currency with Poorer Nation B at fixed exchange rate.
- Nation B can buy goods and services from Nation A with no debt.
- Nation A can help to develop Special Economic Zones in Nation B with the exchanged Nation B currency.
Use Big Data and AI to identify the various projects.

See the above link for more Rules.

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Re: New Rules (1) in Financial War

文章 Tseung »

Met an 88 year old Lady. Her Advice: Do whatever you want to do NOW. Waiting may end up in doing nothing.

I shall put the New Rule Slides here and comment.
Slide15.JPG (135.04 KiB) 已瀏覽 966 次
T.S. Lau posted the article and aroused much discussion.
  • 美国不再能推动全人类前进,不再是人类进步的力量
    美国为首的西方精英失去了进取之心 (尤其对非洲,无论死活好像都和美国没有关系)

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Re: New Rules (2) in Financial War

文章 Tseung »

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Buying of goods or services need not be based on lowest price!
Richer Nation A can buy from Nation B at higher than World Price with the goal of alleviating poverty in Nation B.

This will be a bilateral agreement and may have conflict with Multi-party agreements such as WTO. However, it is a worthwhile Meaningful Economic Activity.

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Re: New Rules (3) in Financial War

文章 Tseung »

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With fixed Currency Exchange between Nation A and Nation B, there is no need to use US Dollars in trade or as Reserve.

We have to guard against currency speculators or sharks. Nation A and Nation B may need to have laws forbidding currency speculation or manipulation that may upset the economy.

If Multiple Nations (C, D, E, etc) have fixed currency exchange rates with Nation A, the group effectivly have fixed exchange rate with one another. There will be additional problems to consider, especially in trading outside the Group. Another problem may be Nation D printing money recklessly. Much more what-if analysis need to be done.

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Re: New Rules (4) in Financial War

文章 Tseung »

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One reason USSR collapsed was allowing Foreign Banks to take Deposits from its citizens letting huge amount of ruble fell to hands of “Crocodiles”.

This fact was not emphasized in Western Press. Developing Nations must understand this well. Opening the Financial Institutions to Crocodiles is inviting disaster.

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Re: New Rules (5) in Financial War

文章 Tseung »

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Poorer Nation B to increase Currency Supply appropriately to do “within” Nation B Projects such as Real Estate and infrastrctures. (Banks loan 10 times deposit to increase money supply – learn from Hong Kong?)

Citizens cannot get richer as a whole if there were no increase in money supply. With no new money, one person getting richer means someone else getting poorer! Use the New Money as stimulus to generate more Meaningful Economic Activities.

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Re: New Rules (5a) in Financial War

文章 Tseung »

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The other source of New Money is IPO. Companies give out shares (paper) and get Money! That amount is many billions.The other source of New Money is IPO. Companies give out shares (paper) and get Money! That amount is many billions.

Some commented that in IPO, the Bank Account of many goes down. This is correct. But this is similar to finding gold or discovering a new invention. People use their bank accounts to buy gold or the new product. This also gives reason for Government to increase Money Supply without causing inflation. IPO activities is a very Meaningful Economic Activity at present in Hong Kong.

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Re: New Rules (6) in Financial War

文章 Tseung »

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Plan together – China should haHong ve a University Department specializing in studying the Economic Models of various Nations.
Study how the various Nations get rich: UK, USA, Germany, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, China, Ethiopia, Brazil, etc.
Have multi-nationals as Students and Research Fellows. Turn it into an International Think Tank.

Some commented Hong Kong Univerities are doing that already. However, we have not seen many International Students nor reports from such Think Tanks. Much more should be done as such activities train future Leaders. These future Leaders will have a better chance of working together when they take power...

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Re: New Rules (6a) in Financial War

文章 Tseung »

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註冊時間: 2020-07-18, 06:00
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Re: New Rules (1) in Financial War

文章 MoneyMan »

Tseung 寫:
2021-02-17, 21:24

T.S. Lau posted the article and aroused much discussion.
  • 美国不再能推动全人类前进,不再是人类进步的力量
    美国为首的西方精英失去了进取之心 (尤其对非洲,无论死活好像都和美国没有关系)
领导者帮助所有人致富. I like this concept. Even within a Nation such as US, the Gvernment does not actively help to make all citizens rich. The gap between rich and poor keeps on increasing. Internationally, US does not care about African Nations.

A person normally would not like to help his competitors or potential competitors. This new concept of 帮助所有人致富 helping others to know your knowledge and secrets (technical, management, connections etc) may not be accepted by many established interests. :evil: :evil: :evil:

