1f. 雙贏的世界: 科技科技 - 人工智能

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1f. 雙贏的世界: 科技科技 - 人工智能

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AI + Big Data Brainstorming
Watched many articles on AI applications. Now try to do an AI Brainstorming. Just list out the many applications without too much discussion first.

1. Credit rating
2. Job Interviews
3. Candidate matching in projects
4. Health applications
5. Identify political inclinations
6. Preventing corruptions
7. Job skill improvements
8. Social skill improvements
9. Selecting Tour destinations
10. Targeting sellers, buyers in many fields (retail, property, insurance)

One good reference article is - Yale Discussion on AI
https://www.techbang.com/posts/68604-ya ... ing-result

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Re: 1f. 雙贏的世界: 科技科技 - 人工智能

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可看3c. 就業: 人工智能:機器人衝擊七大職業

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Re: 1f. 雙贏的世界: 科技科技 - 人工智能

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杨澜访谈录官方频道 Yang Lan Official Channel


** 杨澜把人工智能概念大眾化,值得細研。

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Re: 1f. 雙贏的世界: 科技科技 - 人工智能

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《开讲啦》 人工智能赋能新时代 · 清华大学人工智能研究院院长张钹:人工智能的终极目标就是让人们的生活更加美好

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註冊時間: 2020-07-12, 04:47
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Re: 1f. 雙贏的世界: 科技科技 - 人工智能

文章 Tseung »

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlnbNFW ... e=youtu.be

“AI is no longer a science in the laboratories. It has become one of the biggest driving forces of the fourth industrial revolution. It will have a profound impact on how humans live, work, and shape our environment.”

4 個月前
Dr. Fei-fei Li, I had great respect for you, until I discovered you're part of the 'Thousand talents' programme of CCP, that's involved in siphoning tech. from US to China. This kinda explains how Chinese surveillance companies, like HikVision and Sensetime, keep winning challenges like ILSVRC 2016 on ImageNet, the dataset you've created.
Your support enabling a authoritarian regime, probably responsible for organ harvesting & 're-education' in cams of millions, increase its iron grip on its citizens through better tracking tech. is really deplorable.

Tseung Lawrence
Science has no National boundaries. AI is going to change the World. Who is going to change AI? Sooner or later, we will all have AI Assistants (Starting with smart phones). We shall all have knowledge and resources unimaginabe now. The World will be one Entity. Why stay on stupid Nationalism?

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Re: 1f. 雙贏的世界: 科技科技 - 人工智能

文章 Tseung »

李飛飛(1976年7月3日-[1]),史丹佛大學電腦科學教授,美國工程院院士[2]。目前任職於史丹佛大學人工智慧實驗室(SAIL)[3] 、史丹佛視覺實驗室、丰田汽车-史丹佛人工智慧研究中心負責人[4]。她的專業領域是電腦視覺和認知神經科學[5]。2016年,李飛飛利用她在史丹佛的學術假期,加入Google雲端人工智慧暨機器學習的中國中心團隊,以Google Cloud 首席科學家身分為團隊負責人之一。2018年9月,她宣布返回史丹佛任教,並持續參與史丹佛大學的AI議題研究[6]。她是ImageNet的首席科學家和首席研究員[7]。

If we can get her to speak with us on ZOOM, (and discuss the problems we are working on - Solve China Chips and Train Hong Kong Politicians with AI), the impact will be unimaginable.

Human-centered AI (HAI)
Stanford HAI 2019 - Introduction to Stanford HAI: Fei-Fei Li

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Re: 1f. 雙贏的世界: 科技科技 - 人工智能

文章 Tseung »

吳恩達(英語:Andrew Ng,1976年4月18日-)是斯坦福大学计算机科学系和电气工程系的客座教授,曾任斯坦福人工智能实验室主任。他还与达芙妮·科勒一起创建了在线教育平台Coursera。



1998年,Ng在馬薩諸塞州劍橋的麻省理工學院獲得碩士學位。 在麻省理工學院,他為網絡上的研究論文建立了第一個公開可用,自動索引的網絡搜索引擎(它是CiteSeer / ResearchIndex的前身,但專注於機器學習)。

2002年,他在邁克爾·喬丹的指导下獲得了加州大學伯克利分校的博士學位。 他的論文題目是“Shaping and policy search in reinforcement learning”,至今仍被引用。他於2002年開始在斯坦福大學擔任教授。

他目前住在加利福尼亞州Los Altos Hills。 2014年,他與Carol E. Reiley結婚,並於2019年2月生了他們的第一個孩子Nova。麻省理工學院技術評論將Ng和Reiley命名為“AI power couple”。


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Re: 1f. 雙贏的世界: 科技科技 - 人工智能

文章 Tseung »

AI to solve the China Chips problem
https://drive.google.com/file/d/18EiWP5 ... zqRHTRGF1Z

The most interesting slides are 14-19 related to deep learning or Artificial Neural Networks.

1. Traditional approach Input - single processing Unit - Output.

2. Deep Learning Input - Multiple, Multi-level processing units (neurons) - Output.
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