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Comments on win-win financial order

發表於 : 2021-08-21, 00:22
(1) It is generally accepted that technology is the key. The West dominated the World for Centuries because of superior technology.
(2) Nuclear Bombs and missiles created stalemate. No sensible Nation will risk the destruction of the Human Race.
(3) However, the competition of technology continues. The latest technologies include Internet, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and platform economy.
(4) The Win-win Financial Order essentially is the application of the latest technologies. China has an advantage as it does not really honor privacy and can claim Big Data as State Strategic Resource.
(5) Technology has produced the Surplus Economy for the so called Developed Nations. Food, clothing, dwelling, electrical appliances, cars, information etc. are surplus items.
(6) China is on the path to Surplus Economy. It goes on the Moral High Ground of World as One Entity; plan, work and enjoy together.
(7) The West (the white race) thought that they could dominate the World on Earth forever as they grabbed most of the land; had superior technology and weapons; had control of the media and the currency.
(8) The West sees China catching up with technology and is bypassing them in some areas. If China cracks “controlled fusion”, Energy will not be a restricting road block. If China leaps ahead with Digital Currency and Modern Monetary Theory, the living standard of Chinese Nationals and Allies will surge ahead.
(9) The steps taken by the West is to restrict the passing of the advanced technologies to China. But China thinks that if a technology could be created by the West, it could be re-invented and surpassed by China if resources were poured in. This self-confidence is reinforced by many successes.

The Competition is likely to go on for many decades. Technology will be the key. Fintech will be one area. Numerically, China has more scientists and engineers. If they continue to be motivated and work as if there were no tomorrow, China is likely to surpass the West. The West must look at the situation as dealing with Olympics – the other side will get more and more medals. Go on the Win-win path of friendly competition and change many of the unjust rules.

Re: Comments on win-win financial order MMT

發表於 : 2021-10-27, 07:20
MMT Modern Money Theory 現代金錢學說.

(1) 經濟發展時,有外資投入,政府要印錢買外幣,讓外來投資者有本國貨幣,請工人,食宿,廣告,交際等等.
(2) 若不增加貨幣量,一人富有(多了信用幣),意味著其他人窮了(少了信用幣).
(3) 有了新科技,新產品,政府可適量地增加信用幣,發明者,企業家和推廣者可分得多些.但也要分一些給其他國民,讓他們有能力購買!
(4) 適量地印錢,不用發國債,只要保持信用,增加信用幣是可以的.
(5) 在疫情下,政府發信用幣給全民,甚至多發一些給弱勢社群,是可接纳的.
(6) 中國在全民脫貧時,初時重因地制宜.後期搬村時,房屋,電器,就業培訓,社區服務俱全.等於每户派了數十萬信用幣.
(7) 共同富裕,政策會是先富帶後富,餅做大時,先富不再多分大份,儘量讓後富學習(捉魚,養魚),多印的信用幣,多分後富.
(8) 千萬不要濫印,令信用幣失去信用.

Re: Comments on win-win financial order

發表於 : 2022-01-10, 01:11
We are very lucky to have discovered the technology of delivering high Mountain Water and its potential energy using pipes. Much of the discussion is available at:


Here, we want to focus on the win-win aspects of the technology.
(1) Rivers may flow through multiple Nations. They can be viewed as shared resources. Producing win-win solutions will be important.
(2) Humans have not used the potential energy of high mountain water efficiently. When high mountain water flows down as rivers, much of the potential energy is lost (noise, knocking down trees, moving faster etc.
(3) In particular, river water cannot flow upwards. The faster flow or kinetic energy cannot be converted back.
(4) When river encounters mountains, it has no choice but to flow around it. Thus rivers seldom flow in straight lines.
(5) When a river encounters another river, it naturally joins the other river. It cannot flow cross it. Thus directing a river to flow to a specific place is difficult and may even be impossible.
(6) Pipes overcome all these difficulties. In short, we say that Pipes can deliver both water and the potential energy of water to distant place. Following the terrain and directing to specific places is possible.
Take the case of China and India.
(1) They share the waters at Himalayas. If China builds a Dem and pipes part of the water to India, China essentially provides both water and the potential energy of that water.
(2) At present, much of the high mountain water is allowed to flow to the sea without using it fully.
(3) In reality, China can use Pipe Systems to convert the potential energy to electricity and pass the same water to India! Building a Dem such as the Three Gorges used a 176 meter height while the theoretical available height exceeded 4,000 meters.
(4) The dispute of Himalayas can easily be turned to win-win!

Re: Comments on win-win financial order

發表於 : 2022-01-10, 01:38
The following is a possible conversation between two water experts:

A: "The Idea of using Pipes to deliver High Mountain Water to distant Cities is simple. Why is it not done now?"

B: "I asked myself the same question. Why did I not think of it before?"

A: "Our training and practice did not cover that. But glancing the diagram once triggered all the thoughts. It is like waking from a dream."

B: "What should we do?"

A: "We shall raise the issue back at our Office and get others commenting on it. I just cannot believe that the solution is so simple and so beautiful."

B: "I am sure that this will send a shock wave to our Industry."






