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The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests
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Re: 7c 17項聯合國可持續發展項目

文章 lucent »

回覆Thomas, 習總也是提倡負責任消費

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Re: 中國支持聯合國可持續發展項目落實

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中國國家主席習近平昨日在第七十五屆聯合國大會發表講話: 中國將設立聯合國全球地理信息知識與創新中心和可持續發展大數據國際研究中心,為落實《聯合國2030年可持續發展議程》提供新助力
2020.9. 23
un sd china xi sep 2020 sep 23.jpg
un sd china xi sep 2020 sep 23.jpg (149.44 KiB) 已瀏覽 1076 次

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真是有貧窮及饑餓問題嗎? 請看以下志願者渄洲之旅
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f2z9ha ... p=sharing]

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Re: 17項聯合國可持續發展項目 之第13項 氣候行動

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McKinsey & Company's September 25, 2020
地獄野火。 史詩般的干旱。 淋濕的颶風。 冰川融化。 氣候的災難以報復的方式返回了-好像可以說,我們知道您正沉迷於大流行,但請記住大自然。
麥肯錫在“氣候風險和應對:物理危害和社會經濟影響”和“重視自然保護”等文章中進行了深入分析。 為了紀念紐約氣候週,我們就未來的挑戰和潛在解決方案提供了一系列研究和觀點。 由於氣候變化會產生如此多的連鎖反應,我們認為我們將研究它可能如何影響您的飲食。
首先是麵包籃。 麥肯錫檢查了多個麵包籃位置收割失敗的可能性以及潛在的社會經濟影響。 分析表明,在未來幾十年中,由於氣候事件的可能性和嚴重性增加,多重麵包籃故障(足以同時衝擊全球生產)的可能性越來越大。
例子:8月,一道斷線掃過愛荷華州,在該州的許多地方帶來了狂風和大量降雨。 接近1200萬英畝的耕地受到影響,佔該州2020年種植的2470萬英畝的約50%。估計有310萬至380萬英畝的玉米和大豆遭到破壞。
在2000年代初糧食短缺之後,二十國集團制定了一項行動計劃,以減少價格波動。 這是一個很好的反應,但是政府也可以通過在價格低時儲存庫存並在價格上漲時釋放穀物來管理國內穀物價格,以建立價格上限。 他們還可以補貼私營部門的存儲或投資改善運輸基礎設施。
對世界窮人的影響。 由於嚴重的氣候壓力而導致的短期物價上漲可能會嚴重影響全球7.5億最貧困人口的福祉。 在豐收年增加產量和儲藏量,提高使用糧食作物的靈活性以最大程度地消耗卡路里,可以大大降低這種風險。
案例研究:非洲。 預計氣候變化將使非洲的農業發展更具挑戰性,因為極端天氣模式會增加農作物和牲畜單產的波動性。 例如,對於埃塞俄比亞的咖啡農,到2030年,年產量下降25%或更多的機會可能從3.2%攀升至4.2%,增加了31%。

案例研究:地中海盆地。 每年,遊客湧向地中海國家,以享受溫和的氣候,美酒佳餚和壯麗的風景(或者至少在COVID-19之前就如此)。 氣候變化可能會改變這種可愛的組合:自19世紀末以來,地中海盆地的平均溫度已升高1.4攝氏度,而全球平均水平僅為1.1攝氏度;而且,如果不進行有針對性的脫碳,則預計溫度還會再升高 到2050年達到1.5度,使地中海氣候更容易受到干旱,缺水,野火和洪水的影響。
在葡萄酒。 地中海地區近一半的農業產值來自四種農作物:葡萄(14%)和小麥,番茄和橄欖(每種9%)。 一些研究預測,適合葡萄栽培的地中海地區可能下降多達70%。 隨著地中海地區變暖,儘管可能會增加種植新品種的機會,但特定的葡萄品種也很可能不再會像現在這樣生長(例如,波爾多的梅洛)。 好消息是,葡萄酒種植者已經在採取措施適應氣候變化,轉向需要較少水的葡萄品種,或者提早收穫。
在地平線上。 創新和先進技術可以為安全和可持續的糧食生產做出有力的貢獻。 例如,數字和生物技術可以改善反芻動物的健康,需要更少的產甲烷動物來滿足世界蛋白質的需求。 基因技術可以通過使產生較少甲烷的動物繁殖來發揮輔助作用。 數據和高級分析還可以幫助當局更好地監控和管理海洋,以限製過度捕撈。 農業是傳統產業,但對以技術為基礎的可持續性的追求顯示了前進的道路。

將溫度保持在比工業化前水平高1.5°C的溫度可能會限制氣候變化的最危險和不可逆轉的影響。 我們已針對此交互中的三種可能情況進行了建模。

新加坡高級合夥人,麥肯錫亞洲辦事處主席奧利弗·湯比(Oliver Tonby)是新加坡未來經濟委員會的成員,並與石油,天然氣,能源和工業公司就戰略,發展和運營問題進行合作。
我們知道,氣候變化將影響亞洲,因為它將影響全球各地。 該地區面臨的特定氣候危害有哪些?
在最近的研究文章中,我們實際上將亞洲劃分為四個區域,該區域面臨著一系列氣候危害,其影響可能因地理位置而異。 我們的研究重點是RCP 8.5,這是一種排放較高的情景,使我們能夠在沒有進一步脫碳的情況下評估氣候變化的全部固有物理風險。
新興亞洲國家(柬埔寨,印度尼西亞,老撾,馬來西亞,緬甸,菲律賓,泰國和越南)也期望熱量和濕度增加。 而且該地區可能會遭受越來越多的極端降雨事件和洪水襲擊。
先進的亞洲國家(澳大利亞,日本,新西蘭和韓國)預計會受到氣候變化影響的程度略低。 對於該地區的一些國家來說,對供水的影響和乾旱的可能性是主要的挑戰。 到2050年,預計澳大利亞西南部將在十年中花費80%以上的干旱條件。
中國屬於自己的類別。 預計該國總體上將變得更熱,東部地區可能會遇到包括致命熱浪在內的極端高溫威脅,而中國中部,北部和西部可能會遇到更頻繁的極端降水事件。
我們的分析發現,在缺乏適應和緩解的情況下,加劇氣候危害的影響在許多情況下對亞洲而言可能比對世界其他地區更為嚴重。 根據RCP 8.5,到2050年,亞洲將有6億至10億人生活在每年致命熱浪可能性非零的地區。 相比之下,全球總數為7億至12億; 換句話說,這些人中的絕大多數在亞洲。
到2050年,由於熱量和濕度的增加,亞洲平均每年將有2.8萬億至4.7萬億美元的GDP遭受戶外工作時間損失的威脅; 佔全球年度GDP總影響的三分之二以上。 最後,到2050年,亞洲每年約有1.2萬億美元的資本存量可能會因河流氾濫而受損,約佔全球影響的75%。
決策者,公司和個人有責任採取能夠減輕影響並使經濟活動繼續發揮最大潛力的策略,即使他們考慮如何減輕碳排放量的上升並避免在該地區造成更大破壞的情況 未來的幾十年。 這些目標將需要雄心和齊心協力,以鞏固和擴展最近的成功努力。
但是,在許多方面,亞洲都處於領導全球適應和減緩努力的有利位置。 重大機遇在於基礎設施建設。 根據亞洲開發銀行的數據,為維持目前的增長軌跡,亞洲到2030年每年必須投資1.7萬億美元。 將氣候適應納入項目將對區域發展和適應力產生影響。 在發展經濟的過程中,前沿亞洲和新興亞洲的政策制定者可以利用基礎設施需求與減排機會之間的協同作用。 利益相關者還可以進行公私部門合作,並探索將氣候因素納入規劃的新方法。

This week, climate change in the year of COVID-19. Infernal wildfires. Epic droughts. Drenching hurricanes. Melting glaciers. Climate woes have returned with a vengeance—as if to say, we know you’re preoccupied with the pandemic, but remember Mother Nature.
McKinsey has conducted in-depth analyses in articles like “Climate risk and response: Physical hazards and socioeconomic impacts” and “Valuing nature conservation.” And to mark Climate Week NYC, we’re offering a collection of research and perspectives on the challenges and potential solutions that lie ahead. With so many knock-on effects of a changing climate, we thought we’d look at how it might affect what you eat and drink.
First, breadbaskets. McKinsey examined the likelihood of a harvest failure occurring in multiple breadbasket locations as well as the potential socioeconomic effects. The analysis suggests that a multiple-breadbasket failure—enough simultaneous shocks to affect global production—becomes increasingly likely in the decades ahead, driven by an increase in both the likelihood and the severity of climate events.
Here’s a prime example: In August, a derecho swept through Iowa, bringing severe winds and significant precipitation across many parts of the state. Nearly 12 million acres of cropland were affected, representing about 50 percent of the 24.7 million acres planted in the state in 2020. An estimated 3.1 million to 3.8 million acres of corn and soybeans were damaged.
Addressing shortages. Following the food shortages of the early 2000s, the G-20 developed an action plan to reduce price volatility. That was a good response, but governments can also manage domestic grain prices by stockpiling when prices are low and releasing grain when prices rise, to create a price ceiling. They can also subsidize private-sector storage or invest in improved transportation infrastructure.
Effects on the world’s poor. Short-term price hikes due to acute climate stress could significantly affect the well-being of 750 million of the world’s poorest people. Increasing production and storage in good years and promoting flexibility in the use of food crops to maximize calories consumed could go a long way to lessen that risk.

Case study: Africa. Climate change is expected to make agricultural development in Africa more challenging, as extreme weather patterns increase the volatility of crop and livestock yields. For coffee farmers in Ethiopia, for example, the chance of experiencing a 25 percent or greater drop in annual yield could climb from 3.2 percent to 4.2 percent in 2030—a 31 percent increase.

Case study: Mediterranean basin. Every year, tourists flock to Mediterranean countries for the mild climate, wine and food, and stunning scenery (or at least they did before COVID-19). Climate change may alter that lovely mix: the mean temperature in the Mediterranean basin has increased by 1.4 degrees Celsius since the late 19th century, compared with the global average of 1.1 degrees—and, absent targeted decarbonization, temperatures are projected to increase by an additional 1.5 degrees by 2050, making the Mediterranean climate more vulnerable to drought, water stress, wildfires, and floods. In vino veritas. Nearly half of the Mediterranean region’s agricultural production value comes from four crops: grapes (14 percent) and wheat, tomatoes, and olives (9 percent each). Some studies project that the Mediterranean area suitable for viticulture could fall by up to 70 percent. As the Mediterranean region becomes warmer, it is also likely that specific grape varieties will no longer grow where they do now (for example, Merlot in Bordeaux), though the opportunity to plant new varieties may rise. The good news is that wine growers are already taking measures to adapt, turning to grape varieties that require less water, or harvesting earlier.
On the horizon. Innovation and advanced technologies could make a powerful contribution to secure and sustainable food production. For example, digital and biotechnologies could improve the health of ruminant livestock, requiring fewer methane-producing animals to meet the world’s protein needs. Genetic technologies could play a supporting role by enabling the breeding of animals that produce less methane. Data and advanced analytics also could help authorities better monitor and manage the seas to limit overfishing. Agriculture is a traditional industry, but its quest for tech-enabled sustainability shows the path forward.

The 1.5-degree challenge
Holding warming to 1.5°C above preindustrial levels could limit the most dangerous and irreversible effects of climate change. We’ve modeled three possible scenarios for how to do so in this interactive.
The 1.5-degree challenge

Oliver Tonby, a senior partner in Singapore and the chairman of McKinsey’s offices in Asia, is a member of Singapore’s Future Economy Council and works with oil and gas, energy, and industrial companies on strategic, development, and operations issues.
We know that climate change will affect Asia, as it will affect all parts of the globe. What are the particular climate hazards facing the region?
Asia, which we actually split into four regions in our recent research article, faces a range of climate hazards, with potentially different impacts depending on geography. Our research focused on the RCP 8.5, a higher-emission scenario that enabled us to assess the full inherent physical risk of climate change in the absence of further decarbonization.
  • 1
Frontier Asia—Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan—could see extreme increases in heat and humidity, which may significantly affect workability and livability.
  • 2
Emerging Asia—Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam—also expects to see increases in heat and humidity. And the region could experience growing exposure to extreme precipitation events and flooding.
  • 3
Advanced Asia—Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea—expects to experience a slightly lower level of climate-change effects. For some countries in the region, the impact on water supply and the possibility of drought are the main challenges. By 2050, southwestern parts of Australia are expected to spend more than 80 percent of a decade in drought conditions.
  • 4
China sits in its own category. The country on aggregate is projected to become hotter, and eastern parts could see threats of extreme heat, including lethal heat waves, while central, northern, and western China could experience more frequent extreme precipitation events.

What are the potential socioeconomic impacts?
Our analysis finds that effects of intensifying climate hazards could in many cases be more severe for Asia than for other parts of the world, in the absence of adaptation and mitigation. Under RCP 8.5, by 2050, between 600 million and one billion people in Asia will be living in areas with a nonzero annual probability of lethal heat waves. That compares with a global total of 700 million to 1.2 billion; in other words, a substantial majority of these people are in Asia.
By 2050, on average, between $2.8 trillion and $4.7 trillion of GDP in Asia annually will be at risk from a loss of outdoor working hours because of increased heat and humidity; that accounts for more than two-thirds of the total annual global GDP impact. Finally, about $1.2 trillion in capital stock in Asia could be damaged by riverine flooding in a given year by 2050, equivalent to about 75 percent of the global impact.

How can policy makers and companies implement strategies that will mitigate some of the effects of climate change?
The onus is on policy makers, companies, and individuals to pursue strategies that will soften the impact and enable economic activities to continue to their maximum potential, even as they consider how to mitigate the rise in carbon emissions and avoid an even more damaging scenario in future decades. These goals will require ambition and a concerted effort to build on and extend recent successful efforts.

However, in many ways, Asia is well placed to lead global adaptation and mitigation efforts. A significant opportunity lies in infrastructure development. To maintain its current growth trajectory, Asia must invest $1.7 trillion annually through 2030, according to the Asian Development Bank. Incorporating climate adaptation into projects will make a difference to regional development and resilience. As they build out their economies, policy makers in Frontier Asia and Emerging Asia can exploit synergies between infrastructure needs and opportunities for emissions reductions. Stakeholders can also embrace public–private sector collaboration and explore new approaches to incorporate climate factors into planning.

Copyright © 2020 | McKinsey & Company, 3 World Trade Center, 175 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10007

Ko Chi Kit
文章: 108
註冊時間: 2020-07-18, 22:30
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Re: 7c 17項聯合國可持續發展項目

文章 Ko Chi Kit »

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天spiritual-精神方面 16-17
地 ecological-生態方面 11-15
人 social-社會方面1-10

Ko Chi Kit
文章: 108
註冊時間: 2020-07-18, 22:30
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Re: 聯合國可持續發展17項目之第5頊

文章 Ko Chi Kit »


在1975年,英國男女有駕馭執照的比例是男69% vs 女29%;在2020年男女比例是男79% vs 女69%。於汽車為主的郊區—車依然是一個問題。回到香港,雖然香港在男女平等方面的國際排名一向不俗,但究竟男女在香港職場上的平等水平是日益改善還是持續惡劣?



