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Dr CC Luk, JP: Health care system in Hong Kong – the best in the world or a system of the third world?

發表於 : 2022-05-23, 11:41

講題:Health care system in Hong Kong – the best in the world or a system of the third world?

2022年5月28日(星期六) 香港上午十時至十二時
2022年5月27日(星期五) 美西下午七時至九時

講者:Dr CC Luk, JP
主持:Alexis Wong


Hong Kong’s health care system used to be recognised as one of the very best in the world. It has in fact been rated number one by Bloomberg more than once. On the other hand, there has been repeated calls for a health care reform in the past 2 decades with no noticeable changes. The recent breakdown of the public health care system during the 5th wave of COVID-19 is perhaps the last warning signal that we must initiate something strategic now.

講者簡介:CC is a medical doctor by profession. He has been a health care executive in the public sector in Hong Kong since 1990 with a full range of exposure and track record on management of complex and big health care systems, corporate governance, crisis management, quality and risk management and business development. He has worked in Hospital Authority Head Office for 10 years followed by 20+ years’ experience managing different public hospitals like Queen Mary Hospital as their CEO. He has retired from Hospital Authority in 2021 and is now commissioning a medical group with a block of specialist clinics in Central.

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